HU Litang      



Research area:

● groundwater hydrology and groundwater modeling

● coupling of Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical (THMC) processes

● coupling of surface water and groundwater models

Personal resume

Education Background:

2004:Ph.D., Hydrogeology, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)

2001:M.Sc., Hydrogeology, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)

1998:B.Sc., Hydrogeology, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)

Job experiences:

2006:Post-doctoral Fellowship, Tsinghua University

2006-present:Lecture, Associate Professor, Professor of Hydrogeology, Beijing Normal University

2014.10-2014.12Research Assistant, The University of Hongkong, Hongkong, China

2011.5-2012.5Visiting Scholar, Colorado School of Mines, Colorado, USA

2011.1-2011.3Visiting Scholar, Lawrence Berkeley NationalLaboratory, Berkeley, CA, USA

2008.1-2008.3Research Assistant, The University of Hongkong, Hongkong, China

Scientific research


[1]      Li DD,Hu LT*, Zhang ML, Liu XM. Evaluation of groundwater withdrawals in Tongzhou District, Beijing, China. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 2019. 10.1080/10807039.2019.1604117.

[2]      Yin WJ,Hu LT*, Han SC, Zhang ML, Teng YG. Reconstructing terrestrial water storage variations from 1980 to 2015 in the Beishan area of China. Geofluids, 2019, 10.1155/2019/3874742.

[3]      Hu LT, Wang JS, Lei XH, Teng YG, Yue WF. Groundwater resources management in coastal areas: case studies in the Quanzhou city.Beijing: China Water and Power Press, 2016, (Book, In Chinese).

[4]      Hu LT, Wang ZJ, Tian W. Integrated surface water-groundwater model and its application in arid inland regions.Beijing: China Water and Power Press, 2013, (Book, In Chinese).

[5]      Chen CX, Tang ZH,Hu LT, Ed. Theory and model design of groundwater numerical model.Beijing: Geological Publishing House. 2014, (Teaching Book, In Chinese).

[6]      Yin WJ,Hu LT*, Zhang ML, Wang JR, Han SC. Statistical downscaling of GRACE-derived groundwater storage using ET data in the North China Plain,Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere, 2018, 123 5973-5987.

[7]      Zhang ML,Hu LT*, Yao LL, Yin WJ. Numerical studies on the influences of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project on groundwater level changes in the Beijing Plain, China,Hydrological Processes, 2018, 32: 1858-1873.

[8]      Yin WJ,Hu LT*, Jiao JJ. Evaluation of groundwater storage variations in Northern China using GRACE data,Geofluids, 2017, doi:10.1155/8254824.

[9]      Zhang ML,Hu LT*, Yao LL, Yin WJ. Surrogate models for sub-region groundwater management in the Beijing plain, China, 2017,Water, 9, 766: doi:10.3390/w9100766.

[10]  Li Y, Zhang KN*, Pan LH,Hu LT, Wang JS, Guo CB. Numerical modeling study of man-made low permeability barrier for compressed air energy storage in high permeability aquifer,Applied Energy, 2017, 208: 820-833.

[11]  Li Y, Zhang KN,Hu LT*, Wang JS. Numerical investigation of the influences of wellbore flow on compressed air energy storage in aquifers,Geofluids, 2017, 9316506, doi:10.1155/9316506.

[12]  Wang JR,Hu LT*, Zhang KN, Pan LH. Numerical studies of CO2and brine leakage into a shallow aquifer through an open wellbore,Hydrogeology Journal, 2017,doi:10.1007/s10040-017-1658-y.

[13]  Cao XY,Hu LT*, Wang JS, Wang JR. Radionuclide transport model for risk evaluation of high-level radioactive waste in northwestern China,Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 2017, DOI: 10.1080/10807039.2017.1361811.

[14]  Cao XY,Hu LT*, Wang JS, Wang JR. Regional groundwater flow assessment in a prospective high-level radioactive waste repository of China,Water, 2017, 9(7):551, DOI: 10.3390/w9070551.

[15]  Li Y, Zhang KN,Hu LT*, Wang JS. Thermodynamic analysis of heat transfer in a wellbore combining compressed air energy storage.Environmental Earth Sciences, 2017, 76: 247, doi:10.1007/s12665- 017-6552-6.

[16]  Hu LT, Xu ZX, Huang WD. Development of a river-groundwater interaction model and its application to a catchment in Northwestern China.Journal of Hydrology, 2016, 543: 483-500, DOI:10.1080/02626667.2016.1171324.

[17]  Yin WJ,Hu LT*, Yao LL, Teng YG. Numerical investigation of the influence of underground water injection on the groundwater system in a shale gas reservoir in southwestern China.Environmental Earth Sciences, 2016, 75(14): 1092, doi:10.1007/s12665-016-5889-6.

[18]  Zhang KN, Xie J, Li C,Hu LT, Wu XZ, Wang YS. A full chain CCS demonstration project in northeast Ordos Basin, China: Operational experience and challenges,International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control,2016, 50:218-230.

[19]  Hu LT, Zhang K, Cao XY, Li Y, Guo CB, 2016. IGMESH: A convenient irregular-grid-based pre- and post- processing tool for TOUGH2 simulator.Computers & Geosciences, 95, 11-17.

[20]  Hu LT, Jiao JJ. An innovative method to estimate regional-scale hydraulic diffusivity using GRACE data.Hydrological Sciences Journal, 2016. 61(15):2694-2703.

[21]  Hu LT, Jiao JJ. Calibration of a large-scale groundwater flow model using GRACE data: a case study in the Qaidam Basin, China.Hydrogeology Journal. 2015.23:1305-1317.

[22]  Hu LT, Jiao JJ. Analytical studies on transient groundwater flow induced by land reclamation using different fill materials.Hydrological Processes,2014, 28:1931-1938.

[23]  Hu LT, Winterfeld PH, Fakcharoenphol P., Wu Y-S. A novel fully-coupled flow and geomechanics model in enhanced geothermal reservoirs,Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2013, 107: 1-11.

[24]  Hu LT, Pan LH, Zhang KN. Modeling brine leakage to shallow aquifer through an open wellbore using T2Well/ECO2N,International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2012, 9: 293-401.

[25]  Hu LT, Chen CX, Chen XH,Simulation of groundwater flow within observation boreholes for confined aquifers,Journal of Hydrology, 2011, 398: 101-108.

[26]  Hu LT, Jiao JJ,Modeling the influences of land reclamation on groundwater systems: a case study in Shekou peninsula, Shenzhen, China,Engineering Geology, 2010, 114, 144-153.

[27]  Hu LT, Wang ZJ, Tian W, Zhan JS. Coupled surface water-groundwater model and its application in the arid Shiyang River Basin, China,Hydrological Processes, 2009, 23, 2033-2044.

[28]  Hu LT, Jiao JJ, Guo HP. Analytical studies on transient groundwater flow induced by land reclamation,Water Resources Research, 2008,44(11), W11427, doi:10.1029/2008WR006926.

[29]  Hu LT, Chen CX.Analytical methods for transient flow to a well in a confined-unconfined aquifer,Ground Water, 2008, 46(4):642-646.

[30]  Hu LT, Chen CX, Jiao JJ, Wang ZJ, Simulated groundwater interaction with rivers and springs in the Heihe river basin,Hydrological Processes, 2007, 21(20):2794-2806.


Selected Projects:

[1]      Development of national groundwater management models, Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Ministry of Water Resources, China, 2016-2018. Person in Charge.

[2]      Downscaling of GRACE-derived groundwater storage data, NSFC, 2019-2022, Person in Charge.

[3]      Regional groundwater simulations based on GRACE and GRACE Follow-On Satellite data, NSFC, 2016-2019, Person in Charge.

[4]      Rational water level of groundwater restoring under the influences of the South-to-North Water Transferring Project. Beijing Natural Science Foundation, 2015-2017, Person in Charge.

[5]      Research and Development Project on geologicalDisposal of High Level Radioactive Waste, State Administration of Science,Technology and Industry for National Defense (Grant Number: 2012-240) in China. 2012-2016. Core member.

[6]      Researches on change of eco-hydrological processes and the coupling in the middle branches of Heihe River, NSFC, 2012-2015, Core member.

[7]      Development of Advanced Thermal-Hydrological-Mechanical- Chemical (THMC) Modeling Capabilities for Enhanced Geothermal Systems, US DOE,2011-2012,member.

[8]      CO2­ migration and numerical studies, National Key Technology Support Program, 2011-2013, Core member.

[9]      Researches on groundwater renewability in Beijing, Beijing Municipal Sciences & Technology Commission, 2008-2010, Core member.

[10]  Technology and demonstration of groundwater sources protection and management, National water pollution control and management technology major project. 2009-2011, Core member.

[11]  Integrated groundwater-surface water model of Dunhuang Basin,Tsinghua University,2009, Person in charge.

[12]  Seepage-pipe coupling model of groundwater solute transport (40872159),NSFC, 2009-2011, Person in charge.

[13]  Researches on the influences of CO2geology storage on groundwater system and its application,NSFC,2011-2013, Core member.

[14]  Modeling of natural gas hydrate using heating and depressurization, Guangzhou Center for Gas Hydrate Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences 2009-2010, Person in charge.

[15]  Numerical simulation of the relations among groundwater, spring and river in Hexi Inland Regions. NSFC, 2006, Person in charge.

[16]  Development of three-dimensional finite-difference groundwater flow model. China Geological Survey, 2002-2004, Core member. 

Teaching experience

Seepage Theory

Advanced Hydrogeology

Social service

2015- :Editor board of Chinese AbstractTranslator, Hydrogeology Journal

2014-:Hydrogeology&EngineeringGeology (Journal in Chinese, Member of Editor Board)

Honorary award

2017:The Progress Award of Science and Technology (Grade I), Hubei Province Government, China

2018: China Coal Industry Science and Technology Award (Grade I),China National Coal Association
