the 2nd International Course “Ecosystem modelling using LPJ-GUESS” Admission Brochure




Ecosystem modelling using LPJ-GUESS国际课堂招生通知

the 2nd International Course “Ecosystem modelling using LPJ-GUESS” Admission Brochure

为促进水科学领域优秀青年学子学术交流,加强生态水文过程模型和全球系统模型领域人才培养,探讨全球变化下,生态和水文模型前沿进展,北京师范大学水科学研究院与瑞典隆德大学自然地理和生态科学学院联合举办第二届“Ecosystem modelling using LPJ-GUESS京师水韵国际课堂”,拟邀请15-20位水科学和生态学科相关领域青年学子,围绕模型理论方法和全球著名动态植被模型LPJ-GUESS生态系统过程建模进行系统授课。本课程主要针对具有一定模型基础的博士二年级以上研究生和博士后青年学者。我们鼓励参与者带着自己的科研问题和数据来上课,课程中将会有老师一对一的指导关于模型的设置,应用和开发。


Beijing Normal University (College of Water Sciences) and Lund University (Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science) will jointly organize the 2nd International Course “Ecosystem modelling using LPJ-GUESS”. This course aims to promote educational and scientific communications in the hydrology, terrestrial ecology, ecosystem and earth system modelling and discuss the frontier work in ecology & ecohydrology modelling of global change. The international course will only enroll 15-20 participants and teaches the dynamic global vegetation model LPJ-GUESS and related theories or approaches. Participants should bring your research questions and scientific data in the class, and teachers will guide the model setup, application and development. Here are the course details:

一、课程信息Course information


Beijing Time23rd -27th Oct. 2023

线下上课地点:北京师范大学 (录取后通知具体地点)

Offline placeBeijing Normal University (will decide this later)

二、主讲人介绍 Speakers introduction

三、课程安排 Course Schedule