1. 集合干旱预报方法及其在华北地区的应用(国家自然科学基金)
2. 干旱综合风险多尺度评估(国家重点研发计划)
3. 北京城区城市面源污染模型及参数研究(生态环境部)
4. 城市饮用水源地监测预警与安全应急能力评价指标研究(水利部)
5. 新时代生态水利建设主要问题研究(水利部)
1. Feng S, Hao Z*, Zhang X et al. (2021) Changes in climate-crop yield relationships affect risks of crop yield reduction. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 304-305 108401 (SCI Top)
2. Zhang Y, Hao Z*, Feng S et al. (2021) Agricultural drought prediction in China based on drought propagation and large-scale drivers. Agricultural Water Management. 255 107028 (SCI Top)
3. Hao Y, Hao Z*, Feng S et al. (2020) Response of vegetation to El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) via compound dry and hot events in southern Africa. Global and Planetary Change. 195 103358
4. Feng S, Wu X, Hao Z* et al. (2020) A database for characteristics and variations of global compound dry and hot events. Weather and Climate Extremes. 30 100299
5.Hao Z, Hao F, Singh V P et al. (2019) Statistical prediction of the severity of compound dry-hot events based on El Niño-Southern Oscillation. Journal of Hydrology. 572 243-250 (SCI Top)
6.Feng S, Hao Z*, Zhang X et al. (2019) Probabilistic evaluation of the impact of compound dry-hot events on global maize yields. Science of the Total Environment. 689 1228-1234 (SCI Top)
7.Hao Z, Hao F, Singh V P et al. (2018) A multivariate approach for statistical assessments of compound extremes. Journal of Hydrology. 565 87-94 (SCI Top)
8. Hao Z, Singh V P and Xia Y (2018) Seasonal drought prediction: advances, challenges, and future prospects. Reviews of Geophysics. 56 108–141(IF=22)
9. 郝增超,侯爱中,张璇,等2020干旱监测与预报研究进展与展望水利水电技术51 30-40