【预告】EGU主席Prof. Guenter Bloeschl学术报告

发布时间:2014-05-16    作者:     浏览次数:7321

  题:Increasing river floods in Europe - Fiction orreality?

主讲人:EGU主席,Prof. Guenter Bloeschl





There has been a surprisingly large number of majorfloods in the last years around the world which suggests that floods may haveincreased and will continue to increase in the next decades. In this lecture thepresenter will argue that a fresh look is needed at the flood change problem interms of the causal factors including river training, land use changes and climatevariability. Analyzing spatial patterns of dynamic flood characteristics helpslearn from the rich diversity of flood processes across the landscape. Presenterwill show a number of examples across Europe to illustrate the range of floodgeneration processes and the causal factors of changes in the flood regime. Onthe basis of these examples, presenter will demonstrate how comparative hydrologycan assist in learning from the differences of flood characteristics betweencatchments both for present and future conditions. Focus on the interactions ofhydrological and meteorological factors will be instrumental in identifying anychanges in the flood occurrence and attributing them to their causes.



Bloeschl教授系维也纳技术大学教授,水资源系统中心主任,现任EGU (European Geosciences Union)主席。已发表SCI论文180篇,出版专著7本,参与编写专著35本。2013年曾获得由IAHS颁发的"国际水文奖”。Bloeschl教授分别于19851990年在维也纳技术大学(Vienna University of Technology)获得土木工程学士学位和水文专业博士学位,并于1997年获得维也纳技术大学的特许。其主要研究领域包括水资源管理、水文尺度问题、洪水预报以及水文学对社会发展的影响等方面。

