1. 国家环境保护标准项目“异位热解吸技术修复污染土壤工程技术规范”,2016-2017,负责人
2. 横向合作项目“白银市白银区东大沟河道重金属污染治理环境补充调查及设计”2016-2018,负责人
3. 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务专项“可移动式污染土壤热解吸修复技术与装备”,2015-2017,负责人
4. “863”计划子课题“高浓度污染土壤固定稳定化快速处置技术研究”,2014-2016,负责人
5. 国家自然科学基金项目“泄漏条件下影响土壤中介质中非水相液体残留的若干孔隙特征因子识别”2014-2016,负责人
6. 环保公益性行业科研专项经费项目“基于工矿企业风险源监管的土壤环境分级分区管理技术研究”,2013-2015,负责人
7. 横向合作项目“唐山市龙华里.和顺园(焦化厂)改造项目污染土壤处置监测验收”,2012-2013,负责人
8. 横向合作项目“太原煤炭气化有限公司工厂区场地风险评估” ,2012-2013,负责人
9. 横向合作项目“水泥窑处理含氰黄金尾矿的技术可行性试验”,2012,负责人
[1]Deyi Hou*,Qingbao Gu, Fujun Ma, Shannon O'Connell. Life cycle assessment comparison of thermal desorption and stabilization/ solidification of mercury contaminated soil on agricultural land[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 139 949-956
[2]Fujun Ma, Changsheng Peng, Deyi Hou, Bin Wu, Qian Zhang, Fasheng Li,Qingbao Gu*. Citric Acid Facilitated Thermal Treatment: An Innovative Method for the Remediation of Mercury Contaminated Soil [J], Journal of Hazardous Material ,2015,(300):545-552,
[3]Sheau-Yun Dora Chiang,Qingbao Gu. Brownfield Sites Remediation Technology Overview, Trends, and Opportunities in China [J], REMEDIATION, 2015,25(3): 85-99
[4]Yang Guan, Chaofeng Shao,*,Qingbao Gu, Meiting Ju and Qian Zhang. Method for Aassessing the integrated risk of soil pollution in industrial and mining gathering areas[J]. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2015, 12, 14589-14609
[5]Fujun Ma, Qian Zhang, Duanping Xu, Deyi He, Fasheng Li,Qingbao Gu*. Mercury Removal from Contaminated Soil by Low-temperature Thermal Treatment with FeCl3[J]. Chemosphere,2014, (117):388-393
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[7]Chunmei Han, Hui Zhang, Qingbao Gu, Guanlin Guo, Yan Li, Fasheng Li*. Toluene sorption behavior on soil organic matter and its composition using three typical soils in China[J]. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2013, 68(3):741-747
[8]Changsheng Peng*, Juan O. Almeira,Qingbao Gu.Effect of electrode configuration on pH distribution and heavy metal ions migration during soil electrokinetic remediation[J].Environmental Earth Sciences,2013, 69(1):257-265
[9]Qingbao Gu; Changsheng Peng; Qian Zhang; Fasheng Li.Growth Effect and Accumulation of As on / in Two Vegetables in Three Types of Chinese Soil[J]. Advanced material research,2012, 347-353:2048-2053
[10]Huang Jinlou, Cong Xin,Gu Qingbao*. Factors influencing the dechlorination of organo-chlorine pesticides in soils of a contaminated site by zero-valent iron[J].Disaster Advances, 2012,(5): 105-108
[11]Qingbao Gu, Duanping Xu, Xingying Zhang, Qian Zhang, Fasheng Li. HCHs removal from soils related to temperature and particle sizes in ex situ thermal desorption process[J].Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2012, 21(12):3636-3642
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2.彭昌盛 宋少先 谷庆宝,扫描探针显微技术理论与应用[M],北京:化学工业出版社,2007