薛宝林副教授      博士生导师







2005年9月---2008年7月 北京师范大学  环境科学专业 工学硕士

2008年10月---2012年1月 日本九州大学 生态水文专业 农学博士



2012年4月---2017年8月 中国科学院植物研究所 助理研究员

2017年9月至今              北京师范大学水科学研究院 副教授








1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于激光雷达的生态模型参数优化,主持,(2017-2020)

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,动态植被模型与陆面水文模型的耦合研究,主持(2014-2016)

3. 威海市生态环境局,威海市流域生态环境状况调查评估与对策建议报告编制,主持(2019-2020)

4. 澜沧江-湄公河合作专项基金,澜沧江-湄公河流域六国灾害管理体制机制研究,主持(2019)

5. 内蒙古农业大学,黑河生态水优化配置调度与研究,主持(2018)

6. 农业农村部,农业生态价值统计方法研究,主持(2018)

7. 应急管理部,中国-东盟灾害风险防范合作研究,主持(2018)

8. 中国环境科学研究院,基于结构方程模型的水环境承载力指标优化研究,主持(2018)

9. 国家重大科学研究计划(973),碳循环关键过程及其与气候系统耦合的研究,参加(2013-2017)



1.  基于室外降雨模拟和室内土壤测试的土壤理化演变分析方法,专利号:ZL201711064109.1

2.  一种确定气象数据融合评价指标的方法,专利号:ZL201810975585.7

3.  一种水土环境评价指标的阈值确定方法,专利号:ZL201910043387.1

4.  一种流域多模型集成数据处理方法,专利号:ZL201810978094.8



1. Yan Y., B. Xue*, Y. A, W. Sun, H. Zhang. 2020. Quantification of climate change and land cover/use transition impacts on runoff variations in the upper Hailar Basin, NE China. Hydrology Research (in press).

2. Liu J., B. Xue*, W. Sun, Q. Guo. 2020.Water balance changes in response to climate change in the upper Hailar River Basin, China. Hydrology Research (in press).

3. 白会滨,刘淑曼,俞淞,薛宝林*.海河流域水质时空变异规律的分析[J].北京师范大学学报(自然科学版).(待刊)

4. 薛宝林; 张瀚文; 闫宇会; 张路方; 王国强. 黄垒河流域气候与土地利用变化对径流的影响 [J].北京师范大学学报(自然科学版).(待刊)

5. 薛宝林,张路方,张铁亮,孙文超,李占杰.稻田生态系统服务价值评价—以湖南省为例[J/OL].中国农村水利水电:1-10 [2020-03-16].(待刊)

6. Fang, Q., G. Wang, T. Liu, B. Xue*, W. Sun, and S. Shrestha. 2020. Unraveling the sensitivity and nonlinear response of water use efficiency to the water–energy balance and underlying surface condition in a semiarid basin. Science of The Total Environment 699.

7. 闫宇会,薛宝林*,张路方,李占杰.基于MOD16产品的黑河流域蒸散量时空分布特征[J].节水灌溉,2019(09):85-92.

8. A, Y., G. Wang, T. Liu, B. Xue*, and G. Kuczera. 2019. Spatial variation of correlations between vertical soil water and evapotranspiration and their controlling factors in a semi-arid region. Journal of Hydrology 574:53-63.ESI高被引论文

9. Wang, G., J. Li, W. Sun, B. Xue, Y. A, and T. Liu. 2019. Non-point source pollution risks in a drinking water protection zone based on remote sensing data embedded within a nutrient budget model. Water Research 157:238-246.ESI热点论文

10. Zhang, L.; Xue, B*.; Yan, Y.; Wang, G.; Sun, W.; Li, Z.; Yu, J.; Xie, G.; Shi, H.2019. Model Uncertainty Analysis Methods for Semi-Arid Watersheds with Different Characteristics: A Comparative SWAT Case Study. Water. 11.

11. Wang, G., S. Liu, T. Liu, Z. Fu, J. Yu, and B. Xue*. 2018. Modelling above-ground biomass based on vegetation indexes: a modified approach for biomass estimation in semi-arid grasslands. International Journal of Remote Sensing 40:3835-3854.ESI高被引论文

12. Fang, Q., G. Wang, T. Liu, B. Xue*, and Y. A. 2018. Controls of carbon flux in a semi-arid grassland ecosystem experiencing wetland loss: Vegetation patterns and environmental variables. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 259:196-210

13. Zhu, H., Liu, T., B. Xue*, Y. A., and Wang, G. 2018. Modified Richards' Equation to Improve Estimates of Soil Moisture in Two-Layered Soils after Infiltration. Water. 10.

14. Fang, Q., G. Wang, B. Xue*, T. Liu, and A. Kiem. 2018. How and to what extent does precipitation on multi-temporal scales and soil moisture at different depths determine carbon flux responses in a water-limited grassland ecosystem? Science of The Total Environment 635:1255-1266.

15. Han, D., G. Wang, T. Liu, B. Xue*, G. Kuczera, and X. Xu. 2018. Hydroclimatic response of evapotranspiration partitioning to prolonged droughts in semiarid grassland. Journal of Hydrology 563:766-777.

16. Wang, G. Q., W. Wang, Q. Q. Fang, H. Jiang, Q. C. Xin, and B. Xue*. 2018. The Application of Discrete Wavelet Transform with Improved Partial Least-Squares Method for the Estimation of Soil Properties with Visible and Near-Infrared Spectral Data. Remote Sensing 10.

17. A. Y., G. Q. Wang, W. C. Sun, B. Xue*, and A. Kiem. 2018. Stratification response of soil water content during rainfall events under different rainfall patterns. Hydrological Processes 32:3128-3139.

18. Xue, B.., Guo, Q., Hu, T., Wang, G., Wang, Y., Tao, S., Su, Y., Liu, J. & Zhao, X. 2017. Evaluation of modeled global vegetation carbon dynamics: Analysis based on global carbon flux and above-ground biomass data. Ecological Modelling, 355: 84-96.

19. Xue, B.., Guo, Q., Hu, T., Xiao, J., Yang, Y., Wang, G., Tao, S., Su, Y., Liu, J. & Zhao, X. 2017. Global patterns of woody residence time and its influence on model simulation of aboveground biomass. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, in press, DOI: 10.1002/2016GB005557.

20. Xue, B., Guo, Q., Gong, Y., Hu, T., Liu, J. & Ohta, T. 2016. The influence of meteorology and phenology on net ecosystem exchange in an eastern Siberian boreal larch forest. Journal of Plant Ecology,9, 520-530.

21. Xue, B., Guo, Q., Otto, A., Xiao, J., Tao, S. & Li, L. 2015. Global patterns, trends, and drivers of water use efficiency from 2000 to 2013.Ecosphere,6, art174.

22. Xue, B., Li, Z., Yin, X.-A., Zhang, T., Iida, S., Otsuki, K., Ohta, T. & Guo, Q. 2015. Canopy conductance in a two-storey Siberian boreal larch forest, Russia. Hydrological Processes,29, 1017-1026.

23. Xue, B., Wang, L., Li, X., Yang, K., Chen, D. & Sun, L. 2013.Evaluation of evapotranspiration estimates for two river basins on the Tibetan Plateau by a water balance method. Journal of Hydrology,492, 290-297.

24. Xue, B., Wang, L., Yang, K., Tian, L., Qin, J., Chen, Y., Zhao, L., Ma, Y., Koike, T., Hu, Z. & Li, X. 2013.Modeling the land surface water and energy cycles of a mesoscale watershed in the central Tibetan Plateau during summer with a distributed hydrological model. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres,118, 8857-8868.

25. Xue, B., Komatsu, H., Kumagai, T., Kotani, A., Otsuki, K. & Ohta, T. 2012. Interannual variation of evapotranspiration in an eastern Siberian larch forest. Hydrological Processes,26, 2360-2368.

26. Xue, B., Kumagai, T., Iida, S., Nakai, T., Matsumoto, K., Komatsu, H., Otsuki, K. & Ohta, T. 2011.Influences of canopy structure and physiological traits on flux partitioning between understory and overstory in an eastern Siberian boreal larch forest. Ecological Modelling,222, 1479-1490.





水资源信息技术 Water resources information technology


遥感水文学  Remote sensing Hydrology

生态水文学  Ecohydrologyy


  《南水北调与水利科技 (中英文) 》 青年编委

《Journal of Hydrology》, 《Ecological Engineering》,《PloS One》, 《Environmental Research Letters》,《Science of Total Environment》,《Global Change Biology》等杂志审稿人



1.  2019年 北京师范大学“励耘学术奖

2.  2008-2011年 日本政府文部科学省国费奖学金

3.  2005年 山东省优秀毕业生
