Lecturs and workshop

发布时间:2018-10-29    作者:     浏览次数:8139

Lecturs and workshop

主讲人:Dr. Josef Tanny


Dr. Josef Tanny is a senior researcher at the Institute of Soil, Water and Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Research Organization, Volcani Center, Israel. He is also a senior lecturer at HIT – Holon Institute of Technology. Dr. Tanny earned his three academic degrees from Tel-Aviv University, in mechanical engineering, with specialization in fluid mechanics and heat transfer. 

His major fields of research are agricultural meteorology and environmental physics. In recent years Dr. Tanny has specialized in measuring and modeling crop evapotranspiration, and evaporation from water bodies, using advanced micro-meteorological methods and a variety of models. Dr. Tanny’s research is also focused on microclimate and crop water use in protected cultivation systems like screenhouses and greenhouses. In these research fields Dr. Tanny has published more than 75 peer-reviewed papers in leading scientific international journals.

(1)    学术交流

题目:Microclimate, evapotranspiration and water use efficiency




(2)    课程1:遥感水文学

题目:Crop evapotranspiration – models and measurements.



(3)    课程2:水文水资源科学

题目:Evaporation from open water bodies

