水科学大讲堂: Resilience: A New Metric for the Assessment of Measures for Adaptation to Global Change

发布时间:2017-06-19    作者:     浏览次数:14180



主 题:Resilience: A New Metric for the Assessment of Measures for Adaptation to Global Change

主讲人:加拿大工程院院士、西安大略大学Slobodan P. Simonovic教授

时 间:2017年6月21日(周三)下午4:00-5:00

地 点:教四111教室 




Slobodan P. Simonovic,加拿大西安大略大学土木与环境工程学院教授、减灾学院工程研究系主任。Simonovic教授具有30余年的丰富科研经验,致力于水资源工程和减灾领域的教学与咨询工作。长期以来,他在国内外教学、科研、学术交流等方面十分活跃,获得了大量的教学、研究和国际合作方面的奖项,发表的出版物达300余本。其研究领域包括:水文与水资源管理中的风险、可靠性、不确定性的模拟和优化、水资源与环境系统分析、基于计算机的决策支持系统、水资源教育和培训、水库防洪、水电能源、水文过程、气候变化以及水资源综合管理等。



There are practical links between water resources, climate change adaptation and sustainable development leading to improvement in water management and re-enforcing resilience as a new development paradigm. There has been a noticeable change in water management approaches, moving from focus on vulnerability to resilience; the latter viewed as a more proactive and positive expression of community engagement with water management. As water problems are increasing, at the same time they erode resilience. Over the last ten years substantial progress has been made in establishing the role of resilience in sustainable development. Multiple case studies around the world reveal links between attributes of resilience and the capacity of complex systems to absorb disturbance while still being able to maintain a certain level of functioning. Building on other experience, there is a need to focus more on action-based resilience planning. Water problems do not impact everyone in the same way. It is clear that the problems associated with sustainable human wellbeing call for a paradigm shift. Use of resilience as an appropriate metric for investigation arises from the integral consideration of overlap between: (a) physical environment (built and natural); (b) social dynamics; (c) metabolic flows; and (d) governance networks. This presentation provides an original systems framework for quantification of water resources resilience to global change. The framework is based on the definition of resilience as the ability of physical and social components of water resources systems to absorb impacts of global change (system disturbance) while still being able to continue functioning. The disturbance depends on spatial and temporal perspectives and direct interaction between impacts of disturbance (physical, social, health, economic, and other) and adaptive capacity of the water system to absorb disturbance. 

