水科学前沿讲座: Virtual Water and Water Footprint in the Globalization of Water Resources

发布时间:2017-03-09    作者:     浏览次数:11727

主  题:Virtual Water and Water Footprint in the Globalization of Water Resources

主讲人:EAWAG首席科学家,Prof. Hong Yang

时  间:2017年3月10日(周五),下午2:25-5:10

地  点:教四110教室


Water is mostly a local resource, which is confined to a river basin. However, water can be moved ‘virtually’ from one region/basin to another through international/regional trade of commodities, the so called ‘Virtual Water Trade’ - redistribution of water resources. Water use and virtual water trade can impose impact on source and destination countries of the trade. This impact can be measured by Water Footprint. This lecture will introduce the concepts of virtual water and water footprint and their applications in accounting for global water uses and virtual water flows, as well as impacts on sources and destinations of the trading countries. It will focus on the following issues: virtual water and water footprint in the context of globalization of water resources, virtual water trade in compensating for water scarcity, relations and differences between virtual water and water footprint, colors of virtual water and water footprint and their implications for water management, methodologies used in assessing virtual water and water footprint.


Dr. Hong Yang is a senior scientist and group leader of Water, Food and Environmental Studies at Swiss Federal Institute for Aquatic Science and Technology (EAWAG). She holds a titular professor in the Department of Environmental Science at University of Basel, Switzerland. She is also a member of scientific advisory board of the Stockholm Environmental Institute, an internationally known institute in environmental research. Her main research interests include integrated water resources management, modelling of water-food-environmental relations, virtual water and water footprint assessment, climate change impacts on water and food security and adaptation measures, regional development, decision support, water and environmental policies.
