
发布时间:2020-11-06    作者:     浏览次数:2690




Progress in developing continental and global scale flood inundation models




Zoom会议ID:616 106 89097 密码:639328



Flooding is one of the most costly natural disasters and every year affects tens of millions of people and causes billions of dollars in losses, and the most damaging events have affect very large areas. Despite this, the reality is that all flood impacts are felt locally and occur at the level of individual properties. The ultimate challenge in flood modelling therefore is how to provide detailed and skillful hazard and risk predictions at the scale of individual buildings over whole continents or even the whole globe. This talk describes recent efforts at the University of Bristol in the UK to build a two-dimensional hydrodynamic model at 90m resolution covering the entire planet and 30m over the parts of the US, Europe and the UK, both for current conditions and future climates. The talk describes the technical challenges and also detailed validation studies which demonstrate the strengths and weaknesses of this type of model.


Paul Bates is Professor of Hydrology at the University of Bristol, UK and Chairman of Fathom. He is one of the world’s leading experts in the modelling of flood inundation with widespread research interests in risk, resilience, uncertainty, governance and decision-making in relation to natural hazards and global water issues. He is a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union, a Royal Society Wolfson Research Award holder and in 2019 was awarded a CBE by Queen Elizabeth II for services to flood risk management.  Through his work with insurers, charities and NGOs the data sets created using methods developed by his team are used to reduce risks to life and economic losses for hundreds of millions of people globally.

