Saman Razavi PhD副教授      


研究方向:Hydrologic models development and calibration Environmental and water resources systems planning and management Single- and multi-objective optimization, sensitivity analysis, and uncertainty quantification Climate change and impacts on hydrology and water resources Reconstruction of paleo-hydrology – implications for climate change analysis Surrogate modelling, artificial intelligence, and machine learning



Doctor of Philosophy, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Waterloo

Master of Science, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Amirkabir University, Iran

Bachelor of Science,Civil Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran



Associate Professor, School of Environment and Sustainability

Member, Global Institute for Water Security



Dr. Razavi's research focuses on developing systems theoretic approaches and tools to better understand, simulate, and predict hydrologic and water resources systems. Such systems consist of many interrelated, dynamical components working across a range of spatio-temporal scales. His work also focuses on watershed modelling, water resources systems analysis and management, and optimization and decision making under change and non-stationarity in climate and the environment. In particular, his research work has provided leadership in the areas of sensitivity analysis (for uncertainty quantification) and surrogate modelling (for improved computational efficiency).






Graduate students and post-doctoral fellows in the lab actively work on the different natural (e.g., rainfall-runoff, snow, permafrost, soil storage, etc.) and human-driven (e.g., reservoirs, water diversions and abstractions, agriculture, etc.) components and bring them together under a unified umbrella for the synthesis of systems behaviour.

We are always interested to hear from highly-motivated individuals wishing to pursue graduate studies within our group. If you are one of them, please apply directly to Dr. Saman Razavi

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